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Welcome to the I-STARS e-Learning Platform

Join the I-STARS journey and discover a more sustainable approach to tourism.

Developed within the framework of the I-STARS project, this eLearning platform aims to equip tourism businesses with skills and knowledge on sustainability and responsible business practices. Its ambition: to accompany tourism enterprises down their transition journey to sustainability and resilience. Learn more about the project here.

Take the next step on your sustainability journey with one of our courses.

Explore practical sustainability knowledge, from energy efficiency to community engagement best practices. Led by experts in the field of sustainable tourism, and geared towards any type of business in the tourism industry, this series of courses is designed to give guidance on key sustainability topics.

Ready to take the next step on your journey to becoming more sustainable? Sign up for an I-STARS course. 

I-STARS Live Webinar 1 Recording - 22nd May 2024

Travelling down the sustainability journey: sharing experiences

I-STARS Live Webinar 2 Recording - 29th May 2024

Building your company sustainability mission and policy

I-STARS Live Webinar 3 Recording - 26 June 2024

Navigating the I-STARS Journey: Insights and Benefits for Sustainable Tourism MSMEs

Why join the I-STARS eCourses?


I-STARS courses are offered online, allowing participants to work around busy schedules, putting them in control. With I-STARS eLearning, you don’t have to follow a specific course plan. You can complete it at your own pace, time schedule and space. [NOTE: if you have applied and have been approved for the I-STARS grant, you must complete your online training by 17 May 2024.]


All six I-STARS eCourses are available in English, Greek, Italian and Spanish. Choose the language you prefer when you SIGN UP. You can select more than 1 language to complete your eLearning journey.



Each I-STARS eCourse learning is estimated to last around 4 hours, with an additional 1 hour of online quizzes.



As you progress through each I-STARS eCourse, quizzes are incorporated within the course content. To receive your Certificate, it's essential to achieve a minimum score of 75% on these quizzes during the course. Do not worry if you do not pass the first time, you can retake the Quiz as many times as you want: the aim is to acquire the knowledge.



The I-STARS training takes place online, nevertheless you can still contact our team of sustainability experts with any questions you may have. 

This page is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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